Monday, April 30, 2007

Shamless Promotion

And now, a word from our sponsor.

Yes, this promotion is shameless. But for those of you interested in reading (and owning) a copy of my book on the history of the Country Club of Columbus, it will be available in a few weeks. "Reflections on the Past," covers more than just the country club or golf. In many ways, it is a look at Columbus and its people. More details later, but if you're interested, you can e-mail me here. And for those of you looking ahead, my history of Fort Benning hits the bookstores in September.

We return to our regular programming.

Sunday, April 29, 2007


If you read my series on race relations in the Ledger-Enquirer, let me know what you think and what you feel.

Mel Overdose

If the Ten Commandments were rewritten and the "Thou shall not kill" law was repealed, I would have to put Mel Kiper Jr. first on my list.

Watch the NFL draft. You'll agree.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Late assignments

You don't have to tell me. I haven't been keeping up my blog or my columns. For several months, I've been consummed by the researching and writing of a monumental series on race relations in Columbus. It starts Sunday and runs for eight days. I'm breaking a rule I was taught years and years ago. The series is starting and I'm still finishing. The idea is, you don't publish what isn't finished because something could happen. I could be hit by a truck or something and the conclusion would be like a dangling particple. This time, the real danger is that I will be totally burned out. In two months, I have written the equivalent of a book.

Read it. You'll see. That is if I finish it.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Was it lunch or dinner?

What an adventure Sunday was. It seemed so simple. Pick our favorite spot for lunch then eat. We started downtown at a regular stop. Only they closed at 1:30 pm for a private party — and it wasn't us.

From there, we went to Midtown, ready to enjoy some soulful veggies. We got our drinks then gave our orders. A few minutes later, the waiter informed both of us that they were out of our entrees. We made alternate selections then waited.

And waited.

Finally a server brought two plates to our table. One looked like mine but the other one didn't look like Kaye's. We sent them back. And waited.

And waited.

By this time, we were out of tea and lemonade. Hopefully they'll bring a refill. So we waited.

And waited.

That's when we said our goodbyes and left.

On to Country's where we ordered fried chicken. And got it.

Oh well. At least we weren't very hungry at dinner time.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

How Sweet

Since Larry Birkhead says he has no hard feelings toward Howard K. Stern, maybe Larry can ask Howie to babysit for Anna Nicole's little one sometime. (Just don't let him give her her meds)

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Should NBC have aired the video and other materials from the Virginia Tech shooter?

A Tough Job But Someone Has To Do It

Memorial services and funerals are not a reporter's favorite assignment. In a hundred years on the job, I have had more than my share.

The most recent one was Tuesday night in Pine Mountain. The memorial was for Jamie Bishop, a bright kid from Harris County who ended up dead in the German class he was teaching at Virginia Tech. He was one of 32.

Parking near the church in Pine Mountain, I remembered one of the things I like least about such moments. Taking up some of the choice parking places at First Methodist were a horde of live TV trucks from Columbus and Atlanta. Local people, some of them elderly, had to park and walk to their own church. Rude cameramen and reporters blocked the sidewalk and the street trying to grab people for interviews. A cadre of news people set up camp across the street from the church, waiting to be fed.

I did what I always do. I took off my press badge and pretended I didn't know any of the reporters. That wasn't a ploy. At that moment, I wish I hadn't known them. I went inside. I sang along on "Amazing Grace" and was reverent when they prayed. I listened to the minister make light of the reporters outside. I didn't have to make an ass of myself to do my job.

I could be a real person. Because I am.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Another strange day

Back in the day, horrific events like the one Monday at Virginia Tech were novelties. I'm afraid they are chalked up as routine by today's generation. Why shouldn't young people feel that way? Look at all they have survived in their short lives.

Death ain't no big deal, to steal the title of a gospel song. And until it's a big deal again, God help us.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

A Day for Pacman

Older commentators are honoring Jackie Robinson today.

But who do you think is a bigger hero to our youth...Jackie Robinson or Pacman Jones.

I think we know the answer, don't we?

Saturday, April 14, 2007

What if the light is flashing at Krispy-Kreme?

My car is worse than I am. If I am out for a drive and we pass Krispy-Kreme or Golden's Donut shop and that HOT light is flashing, my Honda turns into the lot whether I want it to or not.

You know what's next. Before I know it I am gorging on glazed donuts. My chest is covered with sparkles of sugar. I am reaching for my wallet to see if I can afford some more.

What can I do?

Can someone offer me some advice before I overdose?

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Snoop in the Morning

What's the difference between Snoop Dog and Don Imus?

They use the same kind of language, don't they?

A Moment of Silent Confusion

I'm confused.

Officials decided students in school could have a moment of silence every morning instead of saying the Lord's Prayer.

Now officials have decided to create a high school course in Bible Studies so students will be able to study King James.

Did I miss something?

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Help me if you can

I'm still seeking anecdotes or opinions regarding race relations in Columbus, Ga.

Please share your experiences or memories with me at

My series begins in the newspaper on April 22. It will continue for 6-8 days.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Do they come with Air Conditioning?

Folks in Peachtree City are right.

With the price of gasoline up to $2.62 a gallon, the idea of using a golf cart for transportation seems better every day.