Monday, April 30, 2007

Shamless Promotion

And now, a word from our sponsor.

Yes, this promotion is shameless. But for those of you interested in reading (and owning) a copy of my book on the history of the Country Club of Columbus, it will be available in a few weeks. "Reflections on the Past," covers more than just the country club or golf. In many ways, it is a look at Columbus and its people. More details later, but if you're interested, you can e-mail me here. And for those of you looking ahead, my history of Fort Benning hits the bookstores in September.

We return to our regular programming.


Anonymous said...

I certainly do want both of your books. I've been trying to find the one you wrote about and with Jake Hess, but to no avail yet.


I believe "Judy Bugs" bookstore on Broadway may have a copy. Also the bookstore at the main library on Macon Road.