Friday, April 27, 2007

Late assignments

You don't have to tell me. I haven't been keeping up my blog or my columns. For several months, I've been consummed by the researching and writing of a monumental series on race relations in Columbus. It starts Sunday and runs for eight days. I'm breaking a rule I was taught years and years ago. The series is starting and I'm still finishing. The idea is, you don't publish what isn't finished because something could happen. I could be hit by a truck or something and the conclusion would be like a dangling particple. This time, the real danger is that I will be totally burned out. In two months, I have written the equivalent of a book.

Read it. You'll see. That is if I finish it.


Anonymous said...

Well, okay. But I've missed you!


I'm in the paper today (Sunday) and will be there for 8 days with this series on race relations.

Thanks for missing me.

Anonymous said...

I hope you interviewed Dr Flo Wakoko from CSU about her African Amercian studies course. Before I moved to Virginia I participated in something called Bridge Builders at CSU. It was really good, communication between faculty, staff and students of all backgrounds.