Monday, December 31, 2007

Amateur hour

All you party-poopers out there ... this is our night. We can leave our cocoons, put on our fancy duds and drink all we want to drink. It's New Years Eve, the night for us to frolic. We wear funny cardboard hats and we kiss anybody we want to kiss at midnight. We sip champagne ... bad champagne. We cheer the talents of Dick Clark and Ryan Secreast (That doesn't take long, does it?) We act goofy when the ball drops. We make resolutions none of us intend to keep.

You partiers look out. We'll be out there tonight, trying to look like we belong. Be kind. And if we nod off, wake us in time to celebrate.

1 comment:


As you were. We stayed home, though we did stay up long enough to see the peach drop in Atlanta. But country singer Miranda Lambert was enough to make us turn in early. What a dud!