Thursday, August 30, 2007

Where's Emily Post?

Emily Post used to tell us what fork to use and when to say excuse me. Now, when we need her to tell us the proper ettiquite for cell phones, she's not to be heard. Guess it's up to you and me. So tell me what is proper and what is not when it comes to our wireless connections?

Should we talk in public places?

Should we use Bluetooth and make people think we're talking to ourselves?

Should we use the Walkie-Talkie mode when we're around others?

What about those personalized ring tones? Do they annoy you as much as they annoy me?

What do you think about people who take a call in the middle of your conversation with them?

Tell me what you think. You may see your comments in a future column in the Ledger-Enquirer — once I get back from vacation anyway.


Anonymous said...

My sister, who is a wedding consultant, told of the groomsman who actually answered his phone during the ceremony! Needless to say, the bride wasn't pleased!

Anonymous said...

Dear Richard, I have come to realize after reading this Blog, that after so many years of being a reporter/writer, you must have arrived at that spot where you have a copy reader to check your articles for spelling. They must be on vacation as well because I am SURE that YOUR spelling of "etiquette" would not have made it past the Professors at Columbus State University, when you were a student.


How rude to comment on my spelling of etiquette.

Actually, as you might gather I have no copy editor. I would use spell-check but I don't know how on this site.

Anonymous said...

Cell phone or land line, it infuriates me when I am talking to someone (particularly someone who is waiting on me in a store) and they give the caller priority over me. Ask them to hold, please!

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