Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Library Cards

So Columbus Council has kicked the SPLOST issue back to the Library Board for a third time. I wonder how often anyone on either of those panels uses the library. Same for the Muscogee County School Board. Come to think of it, I wonder if they all have library cards. They're not worried about whether we have a first class public library. They're worried about their own agendas.


Anonymous said...


And remember, the City slash Library Board spent over 50 million just to build the library. Heck, TSYS only spent 100 million to build their world headquarters campus downtown. Now they can't agree on how many trees or park benches to buy with 6 million!!

Anonymous said...

When I get tired of hearing and seeing about library parks and unwanted housing developments and riffs between politicians and immigration talk and just plain ol' "I don't wanna hear it no more talk"....I just walk to my bookcase and randomly pick out one of my many Lewis Grizzard books and sit down with an old friend. I sure do miss him.

Anonymous said...

With all due respect-and narcissism aside-Personal use of a public facility as you point out is not necessarily what the proponents are attending. Preservation of the public good ---- good works for future generational use is not necessarily less admirable than maiking the library what one wants it to be for personal use.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Richard's assessment of the "panels"--- they do have their own agendas and they are not necessarily motivated by the needs of Columbus.

However, the personal agenda of some individuals in this community is to provide for future generations. That is a far cry from the selfish use of a personal agenda --with all due respect (it is my hope that) the cynicism was not intended to be extended to all in government and to all activists.

There are varied reasons individuals work toward creation of a park:

The Democratic Leadership opposes the Republican Leadership in a fight that is about a park. Some have said that those local semi-partisan leader/party-activists want nothing more than to create a name for themselves. Are they that disingenuous- as Richard assessed. It is all too familiar and like Fox News-partisan pundits-deja-vu- all over again- a la Columbus. Perhaps we should be glad they have each other to balance each other out---As Lord Acton said "Absolute power corrupts absolutely. " As long as they share the storm of the public eye they counterbalance each other.

Other non-partisan activists also want to make a name for themselves. They may have limited concern for the city- and perhaps limited ability to emote in general- they push the drama limits because they- themselves have a dearth of intensity within.

However, there are some in government ---namely a former Library Board member Mr. David Rothschild---- and some activists who selflessly and truly want to create change for future generations...they shall remain nameless---they need no credit---only good social change.

Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.

Anonymous said...

Make English the official language.


English is the official language on this blog. Especially if you use words with less than three syllables.