Monday, May 14, 2007

Smoke Gets in Your Eyes

Woke up Saturday morning in Macon to a smoky haze that just arrived from Waycross. Eyes hurt. Noses dripped. It wasn't pleasant, even that far away. Those fires burning near the swamps of Ware County are affecting more than the alligators.

Interstates are closed and highways are clogged. Smoke is creating havoc. So when Kaye left Columbus Monday for an emergency trip to Jacksonville, I was concerned. I checked the Georgia DOT website and it was helpful and up to date, telling us about I-75 in Georgia. Problem is, after Lake City, you're in Florida on I-10. We needed to check road closings there.

My logic was that Florida, a state that depends on tourists, tourism and the Wonderful World of Disney, would be more helpful than Georgia's. Truth is, Florida's sites were strictly Mickey Mouse. If you wanted to know about Orlando and Disneyworld, there's info. About the northern part of the state, it was nil.

When you clicked the Florida-Georgia link on the Florida site, it sent you to the Georgia listing. If you clicked on the Florida-Alabama link, it took you to the Alabama site. The State of Florida is behind the times. Looks to me like Tallahassee ought to be having a fire sale.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have found that Georgia actually does very well when compared to other states in regards to keeping motorists update of road conditions.
Give Georgia credit where credit is due.