Thursday, April 5, 2007

Help me if you can

I'm still seeking anecdotes or opinions regarding race relations in Columbus, Ga.

Please share your experiences or memories with me at

My series begins in the newspaper on April 22. It will continue for 6-8 days.


Anonymous said...

I frequently work in the area of discrimination complaints, and I work with people of varied backgrounds. I have found that in one-on-one relationships/encounters, the races have few problems. I get along with all races, and they get along with me. It is when people deal with the amorphous concept of "them" that problems arise. For example, a person believes that he/she was not promoted because of his/her race ... yet when you pin the person down, he/she cannot identify an individual who he/she believes is a racist. I don't know if it's reluctance to make such a heinous allegation against another face-to-face, or if he/she really does not believe that "race" is the reason for the problem. I guess I just think that if people didn't concentrate so much on racial differences, there wouldn't be as many racial problems.

Anonymous said...

Compared to other locations, Columbus is actually a very tolerant place… racially speaking that is. I grew up in Savannah and I can tell you firsthand that race relations there were always simmering just an inch below the surface. I was surprised when I moved to Columbus in 1980 to find the city so racially tranquil.

If Columbus has a problem it is more down economic lines that racial ones. The rich/poor divide knows no skin color… only the size of one’s bank account.


Haves and have-nots are an issue everywhere. In many ways, this has replaced the old black-white issues. In Columbus, the dividing line is Macon Road.


Update: The race series does not begin in the Ledger-Enquirer until April 29th.