Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Do they come with Air Conditioning?

Folks in Peachtree City are right.

With the price of gasoline up to $2.62 a gallon, the idea of using a golf cart for transportation seems better every day.


Anonymous said...

We've seriously got to look at the way we build and develop out city, at some point we're going to reach critial mass and have to improve our designs.


Public transportation could be the answer but in Columbus we are too spoiled to use it. I use in Atlanta. I use it elsewhere. But I have been on a bus here only once in 34 years.

Anonymous said...

Based upon the way Columbus is built, public transportation is virtually useless. You can't use it to move people from one low density area to another low density area. For public transit to work, there are estimates that you need a density of 15 dwelling units per acre and I can't think of more than a small handful of places in Columbus where density is even near that, not even in out huge apartment complexes.