Sunday, March 18, 2007

Voices from the Past

As much as I look forward to the NCAA Basketball Tournament each March, I despise two of its voices.

Billy Packer and Bill Rafferty just plain get on my nerves.

Packer, who was a basketball player before sneakers were invented, offers constant opinions. Mainly he talks. And talks. And talks. Rafferty is almost as bad but it is that growl of his I have come to loathe. (By the way, who is Bill Rafferty?)

With all of the contemporary commentators there are, why do we have to hear those two fossils on the most of the big games? Give us Jay Bilas or Mike Griminski or Larry Conley. Give the other two their gold watches and let them boar old folks in a Home for Outdated Announcers.

Al McGuire, we still miss you!


Anonymous said...

I agree 100 percent on Packer, whose droning always skews to the negative, but I find Rafferty to have a contagious, genuine enthusiasm. But my favorite now is Gus Johnson


You're right about Gus Johnson. Anyone would be better than an announcer that thinks we still need to jump center after every basket.