Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Madness in March

My name is Richard. I am a college basketball nut.

My life becomes unmanagable this time of the year. Champions are crowned in conferences I know little about. Post-season berths are earned in every time zone. Just ahead is the NCAA Tournament where there is basketball from breakfast to bedtime.

I am a happy camper.

This year, two of my teams are advertising for coaches.

I attended Georgia State University and I graduated from Columbus State University. Both have openings and I'm too old to apply. So who will get the jobs?

Georgia State fired its coach a year late. Twelve months ago they could have gone after Bobby Cremmins. Now he's back in coaching in Charleston. A Division I job in Atlanta should be a plum. Think Lefty Driesell is too old?

Columbus State made Doug Branson interim coach when Herbert Greene retired after last season. The CSU spot is attracting a lot of attention too, even from SEC assistants. With its impressive facility and with its success in Division II, Columbus State shouldn't rush into things. Wait and see who's available. Get the best coach on the market. If it's Doug Branson, great. If it's not . . .

I'd better go. With tournament time cranking up, I feel an illness coming on.

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